Beginner's Guide to React.js Concepts

Beginner's Guide to React.js Concepts

Mastering React.js Basics for Successful Web Projects

Why Learn React.js?

  • Hype and Trend: React.js is widely used in the industry, making it a valuable skill.

  • Job Opportunities: Proficiency in React can open doors to numerous job opportunities.

  • Build UI: React simplifies the process of building and managing complex user interfaces.

  • Ease of Management: React makes it easier to manage complex front-end architectures.

  • Single Page Application: React is designed to create single-page applications (SPAs) which offer a seamless user experience.

When Should You Learn React?

  • After Mastering JavaScript: It's essential to have a solid understanding of JavaScript before diving into React.

  • Project Requirements: Not all projects require React in the initial phase. Start using React when your project complexity demands it.

Why Was React Created?

React was created to address a Facebook notification issue where phantom messages were generated. React.js was developed to solve this problem by providing a reliable way to manage UI state and updates.

Core Concepts

State and UI

  • State Management: React handles the state using JavaScript.

  • UI Rendering: React uses a virtual DOM to efficiently update the UI.

Learning React

  • In-Depth Understanding: Go deep into React concepts by building projects.

  • React is a Library: React offers flexibility compared to frameworks which enforce a strict set of rules.

  • Framework: Military (Set of rules)

  • Library: Cool dude (Freedom)

Key Topics to Learn

Core of React

  • State and UI Manipulation: Manage the state and update the UI effectively.

  • JSX: Write HTML within JavaScript for a more intuitive syntax.

Component Reusability

  • Props: Pass data between components using properties (props).

  • Hooks: Use hooks to manage state and side effects within functional components.

Advanced Add-ons

  • Router: Use libraries like React Router for navigation.

  • State Management: Use tools like Redux, Redux Toolkit, and Context API for state management.

  • Class-Based Components: Understand legacy code that uses class components.

  • Backend as a Service (BaaS): Integrate with services like Firebase, Appwrite, or Supabase.

React Ecosystem

Running JavaScript

  • Browser Environment: JavaScript runs natively in browsers.

  • Node.js: Provides a server-side environment for running JavaScript.

Package Management

  • npm: Node package manager for installing and managing dependencies.

  • web-vitals: Tool for measuring the performance of your website.

Types of React

  • React-dom: For web applications.

  • React-native: For mobile applications.


Create React App

  • npx create-react-app appname

  • npm run start


  • npm create vite@latest

  • npm i

  • npm run dev

Tailwind CSS with Vite


  • Virtual DOM: Efficiently update the UI using a virtual DOM.

  • React.StrictMode: Highlights potential problems in an application.

  • React-Script: Links index.js to index.html.

Returning Elements

  • Single Element: Always return a single element.

  • Fragment: Use fragments (<></>) to return multiple elements.

Naming Conventions

  • Function Names: Capitalize the first letter.

  • File Names: Start with a capital letter for better organization.

JSX Syntax

  • Variables: Use {variableName} to include evaluated expressions.

  • Objects: Objects are also evaluated expressions.

  • evaluated expression: you can not write directly if-else condition statement in object

  • I can say that App.js is a method/function in a react and react convert it into Object in backend and then evaluate and after that give me page

  • props: you can reuse the component (reusable)

  • use key in loop for better performance

React Hooks

  • React hooks handle UI updation

  • React State update the UI

  • Hooks is a function


  • const [state, setState] = useState(initialState)

  • State: The current value.

  • useState: A function to create state variables.

  • Callback Function: Provided inside useState.

  • store and update data

  • Ex: counter update (Add, Remove), change bgcolor


  • Side Effects: Perform actions like data fetching, updating the document title, etc.

  • useEffect(fn, dependencies?)

  • Without dependencies: The effect runs after every render.

  • With dependencies: The effect runs only when any of the dependencies change.

  • With an empty array: The effect runs only once


  • Memoization: Optimize performance by memoizing functions.

  • if change is available then change else no change needed


  • Unique IDs: Generate unique IDs for accessibility attributes.

Export Default vs. Export

  • export default: Used for exporting a single default export from a module. It allows you to import this export with any name.

  • export: Used for exporting multiple named exports from a module. The import must use the exact exported names.

Virtual DOM, Fiber, and Reconciliation

Virtual DOM

  • createRoot: Create a virtual DOM.

  • Reconciliation: Determine which parts of the DOM need to be changed.

React Router


  • Third-Party Library: Use for client-side navigation.

  • useParams: Fetch data from the URL.

  • Loader: Advanced alternative to useEffect for better performance.

Context API

Prop Drilling Solution

  • Context Provider: Create and use providers to manage context.

  • useContext: Fetch context data within components.

  • **Ex:**change the theme (mode)


State Management

  • react-redux: Official React bindings for Redux.

  • redux-toolkit (RTK): Simplified Redux setup.

  • zustand: Alternative state management solution.

Context API vs Redux

  • Comparison of Redux and Context API for State Management and Prop Drilling

  • Redux is our state management library which is used to manage your state

  • Context API is just a dependency injection mechanism

  • Redux keeps your state in central store. so, now you can access the state from the central store (global state).

  • Redux offers middleware to help track and manage state effectively.

  • Popular middleware includes Redux Thunk, Redux Saga, and RTK Query for handling asynchronous operations.

  • In redux, loggers help us to track the state

  • Using plugins you track the state in the browser

  • Context API included with react while redux is an external library

  • Context API easy to setup while redux hard to setup

  • Context API is used for small apps while redux is used for complex apps

React Component Basics

  • Link: Prevents full page reload.

  • NavLink: Adds functionality for active links.


  • Dynamic Content: Change content dynamically within a layout.


  • npx vs npm: npx runs packages without installing them globally.

  • package.json: Lists dependencies installed in node_modules.

  • App.js: Main application component.

  • index.js: Entry point of the application.

  • npm run build: Creates an optimized production build.

  • React.js is a component based language. it divide the website into different component and we can reuse created component.

Component Types

Functional Components

  • Modern, preferred approach.

Class Components

  • Used in legacy code.


Data Types

  • Primitive: Numbers, strings, booleans, null, undefined (immutable).

  • Non-Primitive: Objects, functions, arrays (mutable).

  • Primitive Data Passing: Values are passed by value.

  • Non-Primitive Data Passing: New value is created on each pass, causing re-renders.

By mastering these concepts, you'll be well-equipped to build robust and efficient applications using React.js.

Advanced React.js Concepts

Context API

Basics of Context API

  • Context is an Object: Used to manage global state without prop drilling.

  • Update State: Use .map() to update items within the context.

  • Delete State: Use .filter() to remove items from the context.

JSON Handling

  • JSON.parse(): Convert JSON strings to JavaScript objects.

Key Usage in Map

  • Performance: Use unique keys when working with .map() to improve rendering performance.

Redux Toolkit


  • State Management: Redux is an independent state management library.

  • Integration with React: Use react-redux to connect Redux with React.

Core Principles

  • Immutable State: Never modify/mutate your state directly in Redux.

  • Complex Setup: Traditional Redux requires more setup compared to Redux Toolkit (RTK).

Redux Toolkit (RTK)

  • Simplified Setup: RTK provides a streamlined setup process.

  • Storage: RTK offers a built-in way to handle state storage.


  • Data Flow: Redux is an enhanced version of the Flux architecture.


  • Single Source of Truth: Every app has a single store, which holds the entire state of the application.

Create Slice

  • Properties: Requires name, initialState, and reducers.

  • Reducers: Objects containing functions that define how to handle state changes.


  • useSelector: Access state from the Redux store.

  • useDispatch: Dispatch actions to the Redux store.

Utility Functions

  • nanoid: Generate unique IDs.


  • Initial State: Every slice has an initial state.

  • Reducers: Define state change logic.

  • State and Action: Functions receive state and action parameters from RTK.


  • Object: The payload is an object that carries data.


  • access of current-state / initial-state


  • access of we pass the data / action.payload


  • Reducers and Store: Dispatch actions to reducers to update the store.

  • it use reducers and change value/data into store

By understanding and organizing these advanced React.js concepts, you can create efficient and maintainable applications.